"It was the hubris of each generation to think this anew, to think that their time was special, that all things would come to an end with them."
-Hugh Howey

Original story written and created by FadedFern and SaltedSiren



Whispers of Ruin is a apocalpytic fantasy story meant for mature audiences. Some content in this story is not meant for younger audiences, including: violence, adult language, physical and mental abuse, religious themes, character deaths. If any of these topics are triggering it might be best to avoid this story and it's content!

  • The ★ under images is a source link! If the link puts you back on the home page then its art by either me (Fern) or Sav!

  • To Be Written (TBW) -> Things that currently have no descriptions, characters that haven't met in canon yet, basically anything that's just not written.

  • The textured images are placeholders, they either need new art or don't have it yet.


A past shrouded in mystery, as those who were there to witness the downfall of humanity have slowly begun to die out themselves. The Great Sickness, as most remember, was an incurable ailment that always ended in death. No cure or remedy would be created and the world's superpowers fell into chaos and soon only worsened the damage the sickness already caused. This destroyed 75% of human life as, curiously, animals and monsters were unaffected. Where this great disease came from, nobody knows for sure, however what is known is that now monsters thrive and flourish in a world that is healing itself from human interference.


After the downfall of the technological age, humans had to find their way in a world that was already evolving past them. Monsters and magic are now the ruling force in the world and it's obvious that humans are no longer the ones at the top of the food chain. Every species on Earth adapted after the apocalypse, some better than others. It takes a tough person to survive the current world, but many have shown an incredible perseverance.





Fern - She/They - 24


Sav - She/Her - 22

'Don't turn your belly side up, put up your dukes, don't let nothing get through.'

- Belly Side Up, Bent Knee


22 - she/her - lesbian - human

resourceful - hot-tempered - fucking tired

Growing up with three older brothers would more than explain why Eileen is the way she is. She's not afraid to get her hands dirty and she's never lost in a fight, but she has a secret to hide. Eileen was born with the ability to talk to spirits and it's only another reason she tends to keep her friends at an arms length.


One of Eileen's older brothers and the one closest in age to her. The two were incredibly close and shared everything with one another, that is until Christopher went missing. Eileen has mixed feelings about her brother's departure, especially since his dead girlfriend is hanging around.


One of Eileen's closest friends and confidants. When Eileen needs a good laugh and a smile, she talks to Cooper. It's hard to be sad and upset with such a goofy guy around. Eileen is more than happy to call someone like Cooper her friend and even happier to have him in her life.



'There's something bout him that I never really liked, he's growing up right before your very fucking eyes."

-Poor George, James Supercave


18 - he/him - pansexual - human

curious - expressive - trustworthy

Cooper was born out of an affair between the leader of their group and a married woman. The shadow of that has always hung over Cooper's head and he knows it. Cooper is incredibly smart and naturally curious about the world, which makes him an explorer at heart. He currently serves as a scout in his group, unsure if he will ever be ready to take over for his father in the future.




Eileen is the person that Cooper tries to make smile the most. He knows her ghost friends make her meaner than a bear sometimes, but he's always cracking a joke to make her at least crack a smirk.


If Cooper has a "best bro" it's definitely Landon. The two have been best friends just about their whole lives and they both can relate to the shitty dad problem. Cooper's

"Are you a good witch, or a bad witch?"

- Glinda, The Wizard of Oz


49 - she/her - lesbian - human

motherly - benevolent - intelligent

Coming from roots she'd rather the world forget, Esria has tried to atone for her misdeads in the past by providing endless love and care to anyone who enxounters her small, quaint cottage in the forest.


Esria never anticipated she would find a wevenin whelp all alone in the forest one day, however that infant became one of the best things to happen to her. Esria loves Eve just as any mother would, always supporting her daughter in her identity and choices in life.


Fringe is someone Esria considers to be her surrogate son. After the frail cavgim showed up at her doorstep one fateful, stormy evening, Esria has done her best to care for the young cavgim and treat him no differently than any of her other children, aiding him in becoming more confident in himself.


Her only biological child, Dominik inheritances his mother's magical capabilities to an extraoridanry degree. The young man tends to spend his time studying and travelling away from the forest and mines and has a rather black and white view of the world.

"Stop looking for monsters under your bed. You are the monster."



21 - he/him - pansexual - human

perceptive - inventive - deviant

Landon is hard to crack from the outside. He's quiet unless spoken to, intuitive and observant, but also a huge hypocrite and often acts selfishly. The demon possessing his mind doesn't make matters much better, either.


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Landon will claim that Altar is an annoyance in his life and ruined so much of it. But, for someone who hates Altar so much, the two have more commonground than they either choose to admit. In an odd way, they look out for each other.



'I'm going back to the start, through the darkness of my body parts, Oh Lord, there is horror in my bones.'

-To My Heart, Mother Mother


26 - he/him - ??? - cavgim

protective - himbo - scared dog

Miure's life has been shit so far. He's spent his whole life running and avoiding his problems and when given the opportunity to change that, he took it. Little did he know that this second chance came with a life servitude to a cult bent on bringing back a god. Queue the running from his problems. Again.


Miure's biological sister, though it'd be hard for anyone to tell that considering the species difference. Eileen is one of the only people that will openly disagree with Miure when everyone else is too scared to open their mouths. She might be old enough to take care of herself but she'll always be Miure's little sister even if she doesn't know who he really is.


To Be Written


To Be Written

'I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly, I'll do what it takes til I touch the sky.'

-Breakaway, Kelly Clarkson


20 - he/him - gay - cavgim

sweet - impulsive - caring

Fringe is the heir to his tribe, destined to rule and betrothed to a walking breathing nightmare. The young cavgim is a mender in training and feels as if his mentor is the only one that understands him. This is the main reason she helped him escape. Fringe currently resides with a witch and her family in the woods and is slowly but surely gaining his confidence.


To Be Written


Fringe's mentor and the person he trusts with anything in the world. Maggie has always been there for Fringe during his struggles. The two have a very close relationship and Fringe even sees Maggie as a surrogate mother. Maggie would give the world to see Fringe be happy.


To Be Written

"You're gonna leave them all in awe,"

- Katy Perry "Firework"


19 - she/her - ??? - wevenin

optimistic - naive - energetic

Sierra is odd amongst her whisper. She's active all the time, rather than being strictly nocturnal. She's naïve to a degree and tries to see the good in everyone if at all possible, including humans. She's also a formidable hunter, being swift as a deer and just as agile.


The only blood family Sierra has left, Kaden is the young wevenin's hero and protector. Or at least he tries to be. Sierra knows her older brother isn't perfect, but she loves him just the same, only wanting him to soften up a little.


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To Be Written

"I'm as tough as the crust of the Earth is,"

- surface pressure/our last night


26 - he/him - bisexual - wevenin

strong - protective - pessimistic

Often times too serious for his own good, Kaden does whatever it takes necessary to protect his whisper and family. And that means whatever it takes. Molded by tragedy and hardened due to his position as alpha, not very many are able to see his soft side.


The look in Sierra's eyes upon telling her that their mother would never return was too much for Kaden to bear, so he vowed to always protect her from any threat or harm. This overprotectiveness often causes strain for them, but the two know they're stronger together and Kaden would do anything for his little sister, and she in turn would do anything for him.


Kaden never thought he would fall head over heels for the human-raised wevenin from the woods, but here we are. after convincing Eve to join him and his whisper, the two's bond has only grown, and Eve opens up a side of Kaden that he thought was buried deep inside. They both show the better in each other, and for Kaden, Eve tempers his patience and compassion.


A son must learn to navigate the world without his mother, but for Kaden that time came much too quickly. the young leader regrets not doing more when his mother was slaughtered in front of him, though his revenge was quick and is still ongoing. He doesn't plan on stopping until all those involved are mangled corpses.

"Keep your face to the sun and you will never see the shadows,"

- hellen keller


24 - she/her - bisexual - wevenin

outspoken - helpful - daring

A wevenin raised by the nurturing hand of a human witch, Eve has a foot in both worlds. She's compassionate to those injured but never shies away from giving someone a piece of her mind if they deserve it.


Eve never questioned who her birth parents were, as she was raised by someone who they couldn't compare to anyways. The kind wevenin gets her nature from Esria as well as her knowledge of herbs and medicine. Eve loves her mother and will always defend her.


A relationship that started in their youth, Eve first met Kaden before she even knew she was a 'she.' They would meet in secret out in the woods and gossip and chatter, becoming best friends. Kaden was more than supportive of Eve's transition, and the two are essentially a power couple.


Someone who more than understands and gets what Eve was going through during her transition, Fringe will always hold a special place in Eve's heart. The two are very close and often gossip about anything and everything.

'You're a foul heathen, a demon of malevolence, venomous bitch, old witch, you're the reason for all our sins.'

- Witch, Karliene


??? - she/her - ??? - psythera

intelligent - destructive - selfish

Mae is a nasty witch with a need for revenge that's never run dry in all her years on earth. She's responsible for wiping out nearly all Psythera. She manipulates those around her to do her bidding and she has never once taken accountability for anything she's done.


Mae's adopted daughter and probably the only one that still thinks Mae might have a heart. This small cub has always seen the best in her mother, but Mae isn't interested in taking Dolly's advice. Mae does her best to keep the small cub away from the horrors of the world, but only so she can manipulate her further.


Ruone, Mae's only friend in the whole world and the cavgim she's been trying to bring back from the realm of the dead for years. Mae often talks greatly of Ruone and has even taken it upon herself to keep his memory alive in the minds of her cult. She uses Ruone as a fear tactic and doesn't plan on ever giving that up.


The pathetic cavgim that Mae managed to manipulate into starting a cult just so they could spread Ruone's message. Mae finds Calahan intolerable, but she knows his words and his often charming personality is the only way that her small group will grown and the only way that she'll keep the power that she needs.

'I am here to take a look inside myself, recognize that I could be the eye of the storm.'

- Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land, MARINA


13 (mentally) - she/her - ??? - psythera

talkative - cheerful - lovable

A bouncy and open-hearted cub that's willing to give just about anyone a chance at being her friend. Dollhouse is still young and has a lot of learning to do, but she always tries to be the biggest help she can be.


Dolly's snide and cruel example of a mother. Mae is a terribly manipulative cat and has used Dolly's magic to her own advantage for years and doesn't plan stopping any time soon. She has big plans for the cub and it's doubtful that she'll let anyone stop her.


Dolly was one of the first in the cult to find Miure fascinating and the two formed a close friendship during Miure's time with the cult, but nothing lasts forever. Dolly holds resentment towards Miure for leaving her behind, but she still misses him.


To Be Written

"Knock Knock, let the Devil in."

- eminem


21(mentally) - he/him - pansexual - demon

vulgar - sarcastic - rude

His namesake coming from himself due to his borderline god complex, Altar is often an annoyance to whoever meets him. He says what's on his mind with no filter, often disregarding how it makes others feel. He revels in negative energy, since that's his primary source of energy. However, we're not all what our nature dictates us to be.


The unfortunate human Altar was attached to at birth. The task of a curse of Altar's nature is a grim one, but the demon's desire to live is what allows Landon and Altar to exist hand-in-hand and have a mutual understanding of each other.


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To Be Written